on Shop Apotheke Europe N.V. (isin : NL0012044747)

Redcare Pharmacy Launches eHealth-CardLink for Seamless e-Prescription Redemption

On May 6, 2024, Redcare Pharmacy introduced the eHealth-CardLink, a new digital solution designed to simplify the redemption of e-prescriptions across Germany. Available through the Shop Apotheke mobile app, this feature allows individuals with statutory health insurance to access prescription medicines digitally at any time and from any location, using their eGK health card and a smartphone.

According to Olaf Heinrich, CEO of Redcare Pharmacy, the eHealth-CardLink solution emphasizes the convenience and security of managing prescriptions digitally and marks a significant advancement in the digital transformation of healthcare services. This feature stands alongside existing options like the gematik app and QR code scans, providing flexibility in how customers engage with their prescriptions.

Redcare Pharmacy, a leader in the European e-pharmacy sector, continues to innovate by integrating technological solutions into its services, aiming to enhance customer experience and expand its market presence.

R. H.

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