from Biophytis (EPA:ALBPS)
Biophytis and AskHelpU Sign a Co-Development Agreement in Rare Neuromuscular Diseases in China
Press release
Biophy’s and AskHelpU Sign a Co-Development Agreement in Rare Neuromuscular Diseases in China
Paris, France, Cambridge (Massachuse5s, USA), 21 january 2025 – 7:00 AM – Biophy(s SA (Euronext Growth Paris: ALBPS), (“Biophy(s” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company specializing in the development of treatments for age-related diseases, today announces the signing of a co-development agreement with AskHelpU, the largest pa(ent associa(on in China for those affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
This co-development agreement aims to evaluate the efficacy of BIO101, Biophy(s’ lead drug candidate, in ALS. If the preclinical results are promising and the proof of concept is established following the ini(al phase, the development will progress towards a larger-scale clinical phase. BIO101, which is currently in development for other indica(ons, including sarcopenia and obesity, could represent a major therapeu(c solu(on for pa(ents with this severe neuromuscular disease.
This en(rely synergis(c agreement will leverage Biophy(s’ exper(se with its drug candidate and AskHelpU’s knowledge in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease.
AskHelpU will rely on top chinese universiOes and research laboratories to conduct the experiments. This agreement between Biophy(s and AskHelpU marks a unique development opportunity for BiophyOs and its BIO101 drug candidate, demonstra(ng the wide poten(al of the molecule, including for the treatment of rare diseases.
§ ALS is a severe and progressive disease, leading to the gradual paralysis of muscles, speech, and swallowing func(ons. Despite recent advances in understanding the gene(cs and biology of ALS, no cura(ve treatment is yet available. Globally, the prevalence of ALS is between 4.1 and 8.4 pa(ents per 100,000 inhabitants[1]. The current number of pa(ents is es(mated at 6,000 in France[2], 31,000 in the United States[3], and around 200,000 in China[4], making it one of the largest markets for research and development of new treatments.
§ Since the founding of AskHelpU in 2019, founder Cai Lei, former Vice President has built the largest pa(ent-centered data pla_orm, connec(ng over 15,000 people across China with the aim of saving more than one million people affected by neurodegenera(ve diseases. Cai Lei is also the founder of the charitable pla_orm “Conquer ALS” and ini(ated the second “Ice Bucket Challenge” to raise awareness of the issues faced by ALS pa(ents. Since 2019, Cai Lei has personally invested over 30 million RMB in the fight against ALS and in suppor(ng pa(ents. In early 2024, Mr.Cai and his wife announced that they will donate another 100 million RMB to support to basic research.
A long-standing advocate in the fight against these pathologies, Biophy(s reaffirms its commitment through this partnership to delivering innova(ve and sustainable solu(ons for improving pa(ent care.
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Biophy3s SA is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing drug candidates for agerelated diseases. BIO101 (20-hydroxyecdysone), our lead drug candidate, is a small molecule in development for muscular diseases (sarcopenia, Phase 3 ready to start, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Phase 1-2 to be started), respiratory diseases (COVID-19, Phase 2-3 completed), and metabolic disorders (obesity, Phase 2 to be started). The company is headquartered in Paris, France, with subsidiaries in Cambridge, MassachuseRs, USA, and Brazil. The Company’s ordinary shares are listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ALBPS - FR001400OLP5) and its ADS (American Depositary Shares) are listed on the OTC market (BPTSY - US 09076G401). For more informa3on, visit
About AskHelpU
Founded by Cai Lei, former vice president of and a major figure in the fight against ALS, AskHelpU is the largest ALS pa3ent associa3on in China. Since its crea3on, and driven by the vision of its founder, AskHelpU has transformed the percep3on of ALS in China, changing it from a rare and almost unknown disease into a na3onal concern. News and topics related to the associa3on have already garnered over 5 billion views. Over the past five years, the associa3on has built a pa3ent-centered research placorm, connec3ng more than 15,000 people and aiming to overcome ALS as well as other neurodegenera3ve diseases.
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